Friday, July 09, 2010

Wednesday July 7 (cont.)- Thursday July 8

The flight to Pittsburg was good, turns out Pittsburg has nothing to offer except golf courses and heavy industrial zoning. I really can’t imagine why anyone would come here, but maybe i’m missing something. The flight was about 10 minutes ahead of schedule, so now i’m scouting out the airport for a bar. 3 hours should be enough time to get my blood alcohol level back to something acceptable.

Flight to Denver went well, we passed a patch of bad weather but not too much turbulence. The airport was very confusing, had to take a subway to get to the baggage claim. Then the airport randomly switched where our bags went, and by the time I found my bag I had just barely made the shuttle. The shuttle took about an hour to get to the Outlook Hotel in Boulder. I met up with Ange and Damian, Lola and Ellsworth. We walked to a pub and had a few rounds of delicious beers and some real good burgers. Apparently the altitude gets you drunk quicker if you aren’t used to it, so when we got home just passed out.

Thursday July 8, 2010

Went out to have some waffles at the hotel dining area, then headed off in the RV to walk around Boulder. Went to a bicycle shop and then a small coffee shop which had amazing espresso. For lunch we went to a tavern, had delicious sandwiches and beer. Basically just walked around more and did some shopping for random needs. The dogs farts are really bad. Going out for some beers in a little bit then to the White Buffalo concert.

*White Buffalo in Concert

*Smart Asses at the Coffee shop we went to

Got to the White Buffalo concert and had a beer at Abo’s pizza across the way from the theatre. The show was good, and White Buffalo rocked the house. Had a bunch of beers at the show and then walked back to the hotel (harder than it sounds).


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