Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mgm Grand: My 21rst.

You only turn 21 once so why not spend it at the casino? At a rate of $99 for the night, the new MGM Grand hotel/casino was a pretty good deal. It has everything someone celebrating needs: clubs, girls, gambling, and a safe and clean place to vomit.
Above: Me and Juan ready to check in, at this time we were technically still "up" with our winnings.
Picture of the room, not bad for the price, we were on the fourth floor.
One of the most comfortable beds ive ever slept in.
The view from the room, definitely better when summer hits, get a great view of the pool.

The mgm was very up to date, it had a ipod player/alarm clock, so we enjoyed music and a bottle of champagne.
At this point we were already buzzed, champagne and a bottle of patron, weird combo.
We enjoyed some fine cigars and some drinks out in this lounge in some bar, its crazy what casinos can offer for entertainment.
While smoking we met some "interesting" people, they were actually kinda creepy but o well great picture.
Also met some cool people who convinced us to get a scorpion bowl, anna and her bf....? Photobucket
Jon and juan enjoying the scorpion bowl. No lie i think 2 bottles of alcohol went into that.
Also had to dance with some ladies on my birthday, don't really remember what this girls name was but she danced really well.Photobucket
Scorpion bowls are like chick magnets, we had at least 4 different girls come up to us asking about our drink.

In the end the casino was a great choice for a birthday spot: got drunk, lost money, met girls, hung out with friends, a man cannot ask for more on his birthday....well maybe a stripper...just kidding. Can't wait till I go back next year.


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