Sunday, July 22, 2007

NewPort Rhode Island

We finally arrived in New Port around mid day with only a series of bridges ahead.

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The tempature was a humid 85 degrees, and we were about to find out if we could survive downtown.

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We walked around a little lost, its rather difficult to navigate this place without a map. The streets are very clean however...unlike hartford. (below)

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The first stop was visiting the tennis hall of fame which was worth the small fee. I didn't know a lot of history about tennis or its players so it was cool to see some of the old uniforms and racquets.

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We ate at the red parrot which had great sea-food but it was rather pricey. Its a good stop if your 21+ because it has a bar on each of its 3 floors.

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We drove by to visit the mansions but passed the winding trail which wraps around the cost, it was hard to get a picture without getting out of the car but here is a road shot:

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We also passed by the breakers:

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Overall it was a good day trip.

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