Monday, July 30, 2007

Bat Country and Turning Stone Casino Verona NY

Our Trip started out the day before when we realized we should do something...first we thought about going to nyc, then to boston, but in the end we decided on turning stone we headed out the next morning at 9am.

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We got a little bit lost...on the we went out of the way 200miles...but we got a scenic view of Lake George/Champlain/Long Pond/ signs for montreal.

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After completely going around Adirondac National Forest twice we took a random route through the mountains and eventually after 3 hours reached our destination, verona new york.

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We were all mad tired and ready to gamble, but we couldnt get into our room because the door ran out of batteries after we left our stuff and money we waited to get someone to fix it..and eventually hotel staff moved us into a new room and we got a 25 dollar breakfast coupon.

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To Gamble properly you have to look sketchy, i have this down to an art.

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A 20 dollar buffet may seem expensive, but not if you get the best F*#%#* food ever.

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I ended the night being 300 up and very happy...but tommorow i was not prepared for how much I was going to loose..damn black jack.

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