Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tuesday July 13, 2010

Went for a hike to Flat Top Mountain. It was an intense 3 hour hike up. We started at Bear Lake and pretty much just went straight up from there. It took us about 2 hours to get past the tree line and it started to get windy. Wet got about .5 mile away from the top when all of a sudden some dark clouds rolled in. We felt some hail and decided to go back down a little and wait it out, but after about 10 minutes it just got worse so we had to call it quits. It took only an hour to get back to Bear Lake and by then a thunderstorm had rolled in and we scrambled for the bus. Of course when we were back to normal elevation...whatever that means..the weather was actually very nice and sunny. We are planning to eat at Rock Inn Mountain Tavern which according to Yelp has phenomenal garlic stuffed dates wrapped in bacon. If that can’t fill my belly after a hike, I’m not sure what can.

*Great view hiking up to Flat Top, still under the tree line

*Snow seen on the side of a mountain

*Bad weather rolls in with only .5m left :(

*Weather is nice back at Bear Lake-go figure. Apparently Estes Park gets a 10-15 min shower everyday.


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