Saturday, July 17, 2010

Monday July 12, 2010

Lola had a long night again but I must have been deep asleep not to notice. Took the dogs for a walk this morning and mailed out some postcards. Took the RV into Downtown Estes. Had a really mediocre lunch at The Wild Rose Restaurant, Yelp said to avoid it but we didn’t see the clues in time. To make up for it I bought some cookies, and after felt guilty so we went on a swim and had a workout at this YMCA type place. From downtown you can see the Outlook Hotel which Stephen King stayed at and had the idea for his book “The Shining.” There is a really uncanny resemblance to the hotel in the movie but less creepy. Did some shopping at “Safeway” a local grocery store, and I guess you can buy lottery tickets here through vending machines, its pretty crazy.
Went to the jacuzzi to try to “recover” before tomorrow’s big hike, everyone in there was from Austin, TX, one person was from Los Angeles but moved to Austin. Its insane the amount of people that come to this RV park from Texas, just to get out of their state they have to drive like 15 hours. Now gonna lay low, drink some Izze’s and watch Breaking Bad before bed.

*Outlook Hotel


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