Sunday, October 07, 2007

New York City: Finance Society + Polish Club

Friday: Finance Society trip to Bloomberg L.P. and the Federal Reserve.

Bloomberg L.P is the largest financial news and data company in the world, controlling 33% of market share

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Bloomberg L.P provides financial software tools such as analytics and equity trading platform, data services and news to financial companies and organizations in virtually every country in the world through the Bloomberg Terminal, its core money-generating product. Bloomberg L.P. has grown to include a global news service, including television, radio, the Internet and publications. Its also home to Beyoncé Knowles and Johnny Damon.

Using the buddy system I paired up with Mr. Tony Lusardi to venture into the heart of the city (crusaders shown below).

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The Federal Reseve

The Federal Reserve (aka "the fed") is the central banking system of the united states. Here we saw how money is destroyed and how gold is stored. Only 2% United States Gold is stored here, the rest is all international. Another interesting fact is that the whole building can be locked down within 30 seconds at any given point in time. Also, the vault can be locked manually, therefore if there happen to be a power outage the door can still be locked. A gold bar weights around 25 pounds. The Fed was real assholes about cameras/electronics so I could not take any pictures, let alone steal gold. :(. However, I did find a partner in crime, (evil pink elephant shown below).

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Quotes of the day included:

Chinese subway worker lady- (tony gave her his ticket to fix a problem , she rips it up..) "kj;lkjk;ljkljdakljdfkjdkajkadlj,.....lkj;kljfdk;laj;kj;j;jkdf" and thats what we understood.

Guy who walked into the Fed: (to tony) "Get naked" (he said this while walking past tony and staring into his eyes).

After getting shut down by two different bars while pursuing my dreams of getting a nice frosty Stella Artouis I headed back to the bus.

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Polish Parade
aka Pulaski Day parade.

First a little about the general himself. Kazimierz Pułaski of Clan Ślepowron often written Casimir Pulaski in English in the USA (March 4, 1746 – October 11, 1779), was a Polish soldier and politician who has been called "the father of American cavalry."
A member of the Polish landed gentry, (Polish):szlachta, he was a military commander for the Bar Confederation and fought against Russian domination of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. When this uprising failed, he emigrated to North America, where he became a General in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He died of wounds suffered at the Battle of Savannah.

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After watching the parade for an hour we went over to Little Italy to eat some pizza and drink some wine, and drink some wine we did... matter a fact we had a 2006 bottle of Syrah from Italy. Eric and I being both fans of Cabernet it hit the spot, especially with a red margerita pizza.

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( the pizza restaurant)

After eating we explored some more:

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Washing Square Park as usual

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Home of connan o' brian.

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Drinking wine while playing a driving game in the sony museum.

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Flatiron building

After that we headed back to Storrs, the bus ride was interesting because we met a few new people and finally got a chance to talk to them.

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